A multidisciplinary
design collective
working across spaces,
objects and more.

Designart 2017 Designart 2017

Interior and lifestyle brand FIL from Kumamoto
Participated in DESIGNART 2017, held an exhibition on October 16-10 / 22 at artless appointment gallery

The lifestyle brand “FIL”, based in Aso and Minamioguni, Kumamoto Prefecture, will be presenting at DESIGNART 2017 with chairs and products inspired by the landscape of Aso, as well as concept visuals that give a perspective of fashion and art. We will exhibit the worldview of FIL, which tries to create new value and culture by generations, at the artless appointment gallery in Nakameguro.

At the venue, in addition to exhibitions, you can also purchase each product (furniture and some products will be ordered sales). After the period, you can view furniture and products by reservation. This is a special period where you can see the products directly, as they are usually sold only at flagship stores and websites. Order one drink at artless craft tea & coffee at the gallery entrance and enjoy the appreciation.

※ After the end of the Designer’s 2017 period, “weekdays” will be reserved private viewing for “customers wishing to purchase works”. For customers who want “Exhibition only”, the public opening of “Saturday / Sunday / Holiday” will be open. Please contact the artlress appointment gallery (aptm@artlessgallery.org) for reservations.

・ What is FIL?
FIL is an interior and lifestyle brand based in Aso and Minamioguni, Kumamoto Prefecture. We develop furniture and fragrances through creative activities with creators in Tokyo and Paris, and we also provide a place for manufacturing with a flag lab at the flagship store.
“Fulfilling life” means the beautiful landscape of Aso, which has been carefully maintained, the warm heart that accepts visitors gently, and the culture and values ​​that value the connection between nature and people. We are trying to create products that can be used for a long time and create a deep and strong connection in the relationship between people and things.

・ What is artless?
artless Inc. is a global branding agency based in Tokyo and Kyoto.
His activities cover a wide variety of areas, including corporate and brand logos and identities, advertising and campaigns, graphics, web, typography, APPS, UI, video, motion graphics, installation, exhibitions, spatial effects, sign design, interior design, and architecture. Until then, we work with specialists with diverse expertise and experience to carry out brand design consistently and continue activities that are not restricted to categories.

・ What is DESIGNART 2017?
“ Designer ” is a coined word that combines design and art.It is a newly defined word that combines functionality and beauty, and is a new definition of things and things that can impress and impress everyday life, and transmit and share their splendor. Is the name of the activity itself.
Based on the concept of “Emotional Life-an inspiring life-” born from high-quality manufacturing, the world’s leading mixed culture city and the entire city of Tokyo (Omotesando, Harajuku, Shibuya, Daikanyama and Roppongi) are the main venues, from around the world. This is an innovative design and art festival held by gathering DESIGNART such as design, art, fashion, food, and technology.

Designart period: October 16 (Mon)-October 22 (Sun) 11: 00-20: 00
Exhibition period (reservation required) 10/23 (Mon)-11/12 (Sun) 11: 00-20: 00
Reception 10/17 (Tue) 17: 00-20: 00

artless appointment gallery

153-0051 2-45-12, Kameguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo Nakame Gallery Street J2 (Nakameguro underpass / 85)
Nakame Gallery Street J2 (85), 2-45-12 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0051 Japan

TEL 03-6434-1345

DESIGNART 2017参加、artless appointment gallery にて10/16-10/22展示会を開催

熊本県阿蘇・南小国を拠点に活動するライフスタイルブランド”FIL”はDESIGNART 2017にて、阿蘇の景観から想起された椅子やプロダクトのほか、ファッションやアートという視点を感じさせるコンセプトヴィジュアルの写真と共に、次世代による新たな価値や文化の創造を試みるFILの世界観を、中目黒のartless appointment gallery を会場に展示をいたします。

会場では展示のほか、各プロダクトの購入も可能です(家具・一部プロダクトについては受注販売となります)。また期間終了後は予約制で家具やプロダクトをご覧いただくことができます。通常は旗艦店とウェブサイトのみで販売を行なっているため、今回は商品を直接ご覧いただくことができる特別な期間となります。ギャラリーエントランスの artless craft tea & coffee にてワンドリンク オーダーして頂き、ご鑑賞をお楽しみください。

※デザイナート2017期間終了後、「平日」は “作品購入をご希望のお客様” への予約制プライベート・ビューイングとなります。”エキシビション観覧のみ” をご希望のお客様へは「土曜日/日曜日/祝日」のパブリックオープニング(一般公開)となります。ご予約をご希望のお客様は artlress appointment gallery ( aptm@artlessgallery.org ) までご連絡ください。

丁寧な手入れで保たれてきた阿蘇の美しい景観、訪問者を優しく受け入れる温かな心、それら「自然と人・人と人」のつながりを重んじる文化・価値観を「Fulfilling life=満ち溢れた人生」というコンセプトに落とし込み、末長く愛用でき、人とモノの関係において深く強い繋がりを生む製品作りに挑戦しています。

artless Inc. は、 東京と京都を拠点にグローバルに活動するブランディング・エージェンシーです。

良質なものづくりから生まれる「Emotional Life ~感動のある暮らし~」をコンセプトに掲げ、世界屈指のミックスカルチャー都市・東京の街全体(表参道・原宿・渋谷・代官山・六本木)をメイン会場に、世界中からデザイン、アート、ファッション、食、テクノロジーなどのDESIGNARTを集めて開催される革新的なデザイン&アートフェスティバルです。

Designart開催期間 10/16(月) ~ 10/22(日) 11:00~20:00
展示期間(要予約)10/23(月) ~ 11/12(日) 11:00~20:00
Reception 10/17(火) 17:00-20:00

artless appointment gallery

153-0051 東京都目黒区上目黒 2-45-12 Nakame Gallery Street J2(中目黒高架下/85)
Nakame Gallery Street J2 (85), 2-45-12 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0051 Japan

TEL 03-6434-1345