A multidisciplinary
design collective
working across spaces,
objects and more.


FIL, 2020

Noyaki, Aso's annual controlled burning of the grassland inspired the latest MASS Series called “SUMI LIMITED.” The series uses the inky black charred cedar and steel frame. The design highlights the contrast in the materials used.

MASS Series ”SUMI LIMITED”は、阿蘇の風物詩 “野焼き”によって生まれる「黒墨色」の景観にインスパイアされた炭化した杉材と、スチールフレームによる異素材のコントラストをテーマにしたコレクション

Cedar is charred to gain glossiness and organic feature with defined grains. Charred colour reminds us of noyaki. It represents Aso’s history and beauty of harmonic lifestyle with nature.

The series uses steel frame and generously planed-down cedar. What makes this series so special and profound is that the best part of old cedar trees is used and prepared by skilled woodcraft men. Clean-cut design with smoothly planed cedar and elegantly prepared steel frame urges you to touch and feel it. The series fits in any space or set-up you can think of.

It is a traditional method to charred cedar to make durable furniture. The process involves skills and experience to bring out cedars defined grains just right. This is what produces the unique texture and rare finish to the furniture.

FIL always starts their day with a question of what it means to have a fulfilling life. Here with focus on the millennium old Aso tradition, FIL sets off to search materials, functions and designs to represent its tradition.


このシリーズは、阿蘇の景色を支える伝統 “野焼き”を深く理解する試みとして生まれました。雄大な自然を維持するために千年に渡って続く独自の文化。その慣習が作り上げてきた人々の深いつながり。自然と人とが長きにわたって作り上げた景観の記憶の中に「満ち溢れた人生」の手がかりを見つけることができるかもしれません。

野焼きの「黒墨色」の世界から始まる生命の芽吹きと、厳かな力強さ、時に過酷な環境をも引き起こす火山地域において、自然と人とが共存共生し続け未来を築いている阿蘇という土地ならではの体験を、“SUMI LIMITED”という形で表現いたしました。シリーズの家具は毎年各25台の限定販売です。この数は江戸時代に小国杉の苗木を25本ずつ分け与えられ植林が始まったことに由来します。


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Brand Director- Genki Imamura @beeshoneytokyo

Project Manager – Shunsuke Anai(FIL)

Brand Manager-Rina Anai (FIL)

Product Design- Yosuke Kinoshita @canuch_inc

Photographer – @aikawa_kenichi [Furniture]

Photographer – @harukianami [Landscape]

Web designer / developer – Nobuaki Honma @garden_eight

PR – Masahiro Ryohara @rinninc


Base Fabric : Maharam 005 Talus

Frame:Steel with melamine resin finish

Timber:Charred cedar with stain oil+ clear urethane coating finish